Балет и танцы24.06.2015

The Royal Ballet

США New York David H. Koch Theater (formerly the New York State Theater)

464.96 PLN

Дополнительно забронируйте тур, экскурсии, авиаперелёт, проживание, транспорт, столик в ресторане, места в клубе, шопинг, страховку

The Royal BalletDavid H. Koch Theater (formerly the New York State Theater), New York, США28-06-2015от 464.96 PLN
The Royal BalletDavid H. Koch Theater (formerly the New York State Theater), New York, США28-06-2015от 464.96 PLN
The Royal BalletDavid H. Koch Theater (formerly the New York State Theater), New York, США26-06-2015от 464.96 PLN
The Royal BalletDavid H. Koch Theater (formerly the New York State Theater), New York, США27-06-2015от 464.96 PLN
The Royal BalletDavid H. Koch Theater (formerly the New York State Theater), New York, США29-06-2015от 464.96 PLN
The Royal BalletDavid H. Koch Theater (formerly the New York State Theater), New York, США25-06-2015от 464.96 PLN
The Royal BalletDavid H. Koch Theater (formerly the New York State Theater), New York, США27-06-2015от 464.96 PLN